What's New in DLS IV
Queued Communications
DLS IV now incorporates queued communications.
You can open several accounts, submit several communication jobs, and DLS IV will handle the rest. You can continue to work on other accounts as the DLS IV engine executes the queued jobs in the background.
The "SMS" Connection Type
The power of DSC's Integrated Communicator family is realized when using DLS IV's "SMS" connection type.
The "SMS" connection type eliminates the need to configure every site's network equipment for incoming IP connections. Instead, this connection uses the GSM path to notify the communicator to connect back to DLS IV, which will require a single port forward. That means only one port forward instead on your network instead of one port forward on every site's network.
Wireless Downloading
Use DLS IV to download wirelessly to the new Alexor product line.
In combination with the SMS connection type, the entire downloading session is completely wireless. The SMS connection type is the trigger, and the downloading session is executed over the GPRS network wirelessly to the panel.
DLS Auto Updater
Get notifications of all the latest feature additions and product support and with the DLS Auto Updater.
The DLS Auto Updater will check routinely for updates on DSC's site, and will make installation a breeze. Tick the updates you'd like installed and the DLS Auto Updater will help you through the installation process.