Security Stamp

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Please Note: Security Stamp functionality is not supported on DLS 5.

Security Stamp on DLS 2002 Account(s)

When using the DLS2002 Import Utility in DLS 5, please ensure that all accounts to be imported have a valid security stamp assigned to it. If DLS 2002 does not have the correct security stamp for an account when importing is executed, the account(s) will not be imported and a 'Security Stamp' error will be given.

Security Stamp error on DLS2002 Import Utility

Security Stamp error will prompt up if the account(s) we are trying to import have security stamp functionality enabled. To successfully import these account(s), log into DLS2002 and correct the security stamp from the account(s).

If DLS 2002 does not have the correct security stamp for any accounts in question, open the account in DLS 2002 and it will prompt you to enter the correct security stamp, enter the security stamp and the account will open. You must now save the account to save this change of security stamp (to save the account, you must make a change to the account). After this process the account will import into DLS 5.